There are no second chances in the automotive retail space

There are no second chances in the automotive retail space

March 3, 2021 | by

From auto body repair garages to retail showrooms, for those working in the automotive industry, cleaning is a crucial element that cannot be overlooked.

Anyone working with vehicles knows how much dirt they can accumulate that is as varied, as tough to remove, especially when the various components are disassembled – ranging from dust, grit, mud and to traces of rubber from tyres; engine oil, lubricant and fuel; coolant, exhaust gases, powdered metal residues and rust. A wide range of dirt that is dangerous to operators, causing injury and pollution if not properly removed and collected.

Cleaning, however, is one of the most challenging operations for those who are normally assigned to other tasks and do not like the use of a sponge or a broom, especially if they have to reach uncomfortable areas in awkward positions.

Pressure washers, scrubber dryers, sweepers and vacuum cleaners make it possible to clean up quickly and effortlessly, where the toughest dirt accumulates during routine operations, as well as in showroom areas – whether in- or outdoors – where welcoming customers in a clean and tidy environment is mandatory to make a good impression.

Workshop cleaning is a critical task that cannot be overlooked. Smaller workshops are not only workplaces where cars are repaired, but also places where customers are welcomed and receive advice on vehicle maintenance. A tidy, clean and well-maintained workshop leaves a good impression on the customer.

Since 1984, Goscor Cleaning Equipment has been supplying cleaning solutions to the South African market, ensuring that workplaces are kept clean, safe and hygienic. The company aims to offer the ideal cleaning equipment to all requirements in the automotive industry, ranging from vacuum cleaners, sweepers, auto-scrubbers, and high-pressure cleaners.

“The power of pressurized water with the appropriate flow cleans up everything swiftly and with little effort,” states Peter Esterhuizen, Sales Director for Goscor Cleaning Equipment (GCE).  Besides a wide choice of cold water models, it is sometimes more suitable to rely on hot water pressure washers to dissolve the toughest grease without chemicals.  These machines house either an electrical- or diesel-powered boiler that heats water before releasing it under pressure.

“Portotechnica, a member of IPC, is the latest brand to join the portfolio of cleaning equipment solutions that GCE has to offer.  Portotecnica has four specific lines of pressure washers ranging from hot to cold water with electric, motor-driven and wall-mounted models for every cleaning need,” adds Esterhuizen.

Since there is no second chance for first impressions, professional cleaning solutions are an effective as well as indispensable work tool for workshops, tyre repair centres, electricians, body repair shops and showrooms. It is important to make housekeeping a continuous and an ongoing effort.  From dealer principal to technician, all employees should understand that housekeeping is a health and safety priority.

Contact GCE’s professional automotive cleaning equipment specialists to book your demo today!